
My Healing Path

My Healing Path

My Healing Path by Patricia LaDale Lane My desire for those who read this article is to realize that it is never too late to step into your dream and begin by taking baby steps. I want to share my story of healing and overcoming obstacles, so women everywhere will...

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Reiki and Mystical Experiences

Reiki and Mystical Experiences

Reiki can open us up to unique experiences. Being attuned to Reiki allows for unimagined occurrences to come into our lives. The capacity to merge the mystical into our daily lives is possible for everyone. The lights and energies we receive from Reiki attunements and...

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Holy Fire Karuna Reiki®

Holy Fire Karuna Reiki®

The Meaning of Karuna Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is also used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is translated to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as "compassionate action." When individuals experience...

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Licensed Master Reiki Teacher
Bachelors of Metaphysical Ministry, University of Sedona
Past Life Regression facilitator
Online Crystal store owner
Angel Card Reading and workshops